contractor performance evaluation - costeffectiveness ratio
- cost price method
- cost principle
- cost rate
- cost reallocation
- cost reapportionment
- cost records
- cost recovery
- cost recovery method
- Cost recovery oil
- cost reduction
- cost reference
- cost reimbursement contract
- cost retracing
- cost risk analysis
- cost schedule
- cost sensitivity analysis
- cost sharing
- cost sharing projects
- cost sheet
- cost standard
- cost status
- cost structure
- cost structure statistics
- cost summarization
- cost summary schedule
- cost supplement
- cost system
- cost table
- cost to borrower
- cost to buy
- cost to consumer
- cost to excess capacity
- cost to hold
- cost to manufacture
- cost tracing
- cost trade-off
- cost type
- cost type accounting
- cost unit
- cost value